ディズニープリンセス モアナ スタイリングヘッド ヘアデザイン ヘアアレンジ 髪型 グッズ おもちゃ Moana Disney Princess Stying Head
ディズニープリンセス モアナ スタイリングヘッド ヘアデザイン ヘアアレンジ 髪型 グッズ おもちゃ Moana Disney Princess Stying Head
Moana Disney Princess Stying Head
11.4 × 26.7 × 25.9
・The Disney Moana styling head holds endless Hair play possibilities! The styling head features beautiful thick black hair that is perfect for brushing and styling and comes with 13 fun wear and share accessories including: 1 hair brush 4 seashell clips 3 hair spirals 1 hair barrette and 4 elastic bands. Moaning brush is styled to look like ocean waves and kids can use it to brush her hair and create lots of fun hair styles! ・Disney Moana styling head comes with long black hair and 13 styling accessories. ・Set includes: 1 hair brush 4 seashell clips 3 hair spirals 1 hair barrette and 4 elastic bands. ・Kids can use the brush to create fun hair styles on Moana! ・Kids can use the hair clips in their own hair as well as moaning.
ディズニープリンセス モアナ スタイリングヘッド ヘアデザイン ヘアアレンジ 髪型 グッズ おもちゃ Moana Disney Princess Stying Head
・Disney Moana styling head comes with long black hair and 13 styling accessories.
・Set includes: 1 hair brush 4 seashell clips 3 hair spirals 1 hair barrette and 4 elastic bands.
・Kids can use the brush to create fun hair styles on Moana!
・Kids can use the hair clips in their own hair as well as moaning.
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ディズニープリンセス モアナ スタイリングヘッド ヘアデザイン ヘアアレンジ 髪型 グッズ おもちゃ Moana Disney Princess Stying Head